Sri Lanka Association Berlin e.V. warmly welcomes all Sri Lankans living in Germany to join us as members. By becoming a member, you will receive timely information about our activ...
Sri Lanka Association Berlin e.V.’s continued relief efforts for people in need in Sri Lanka Although the COVID19 pandemic has not hit Sri Lanka as hard as its neighboring countrie...
Sri Lanka Association Berlin e.V. COVID-19 support relief efforts /
Category: Uncategorized
Sri Lanka Association Berlin e.V. – COVID-19 support relief efforts /Unterstützung von bedürftigen Person Sri Lanka Association Berlin e.V. – COVID-19 support relief ...
Stellungnahme der Sri Lanka Association Berlin e.V. zu den terroristischen Anschlägen in Sri Lanka am 20. Und 21. April 2019 Von den monströsen terroristischen Anschlägen in Sri La...